It may not be my slickest editing job, but hopefully it will help clear up a bit about using the froe and getting more parts from less wood.
And here is the next spoon for sale in the Spoons for Hunger Project! I keep learning so much while making these things that I just can't resist.
It's a great size for everyday use in the pan and on the table. Once again, it's applewood (I am blessed with apple trees!) and I am asking $45 and $5 shipping.
If you are interested, please put spoon in the subject bar and email me at

I may not get back to you (last time I answered 15 emails!), but rest assured, I got your name and will announce the winner in about 4 days. Thanks
Thanks Peter for explaining this so well. It has puzzled me for years. I expect a lot less wasted wood now that I know this.
Peter, that's one of the most genuinely informative demos I've seen on the web for some years.
Peter. Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to make this video, so very much appreciated. Very informative.
Peter, your videos and ideas are truly turning this woodworker blogging thing into a virtual guild. Thanks for taking the time to put this together!
Thanks for the encouragement! I hope it helps.
Thanks very much for the great video, it was a great explanation and impressive demonstration of how to steer the split with the froe. I'd love to see a video of you using your brake but this video alone will definitely help me improve.
Also, your work on the spoons is fantastic and it's very generous of you to donate them.
thanks! I'm glad that the video has been helpful, I'm hoping to do more soon.
Pete (I'm beginning to think that the name Pete is some sort of secret chairmaking password!)
Peter, Thanks for the video. I guess I've understood that pulling the froe to the fat side would help make the break run true but "easy does it" and holding the thin side to even out the pressure helped my understanding of how to do it. Made your break and am going to split parts for a post & rung chair today (Make a Chair from a tree).
Have been reading your blog for a long time - thanks!
Pete, loved the video on splitting the right way. Can't wait to see a video on how to sharpen a drawknife and other lathe tools.
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