Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Eagle has Landed

OK, maybe a bit of overkill, but I am proud to say that the final print edition of "Chairmaker's Notebook" is shipping to all the folks who pre ordered and who are currently placing orders. You can order it from
I've been spending time getting ready for my trip around the country. I will be in South Carolina teaching at Caleb James' shop and then on to Iowa for Handworks and then to University of the Rio Grande in Ohio to teach a class to a Sapfm chapter. There are a couple of spots that have opened in the class in Ohio that are available if you are interested. You can contact me and I'll forward your email to Eric Matson who will give you the lowdown.

I have managed to sneak away for a proper vacation, which was a welcome and needed break. I was in Costa Rica with my lovely companion Stephanie Hubbard. Here we are in La Amistad International Park. It's the largest protected area in Central America.
We hiked three hours up this riverbed to get to a waterfall and saw a deadly bushmaster snake, bullet ants and poisonous spiders the size of your face. A great time to be sure.

Here is a quick plug for the lodge we stayed at. It's called Selva Bananito and is off the grid and nestled in the rainforest. The owner was very generous with us and is obsessive about keeping his land as habitat for all the pumas, jaguars and other large cats and wildlife that roam around. Knowing that our vacation dollars were going to help made a beautiful place all the better.


  1. Deadly snakes, face sucking spiders and noxious ants. Sounds just like home!

    Great to chat mate and glad to see you've been taking a well earned break after wrapping up the book! Cheers

  2. Will you be teaching a class in Greenville? If so, when and where. I looking foward everyday for your book to arrive.
    Russ Morin

  3. Thanks Glen!

    the class is full, but I can put you on a wait list if you like. You can find the details on the blog.

  4. Will you be teaching a class in Greenville? If so, when and where. I looking foward everyday for your book to arrive.
    Russ Morin

  5. Great to see you so relaxed:)

  6. Thanks Rocky! Great to finally get some breathing room. I hope you are doing well.

  7. Peter, Just ordered the book and download. You are to be congratulated on an excellent job! It looks great, and cannot wait to make a few more chairs. Took your class last year, and the knowledge that you passed down to me will help drive my woodworking passion until I can no longer hold a draw knife! Like yourself, I need to take more scheduled vacations - you look very happy! I hope your life is going well, and our paths cross again! Regards, Mark

  8. Fantastic Pete! Beautiful locations with beautiful ladies. Does it get any better?

  9. I received my copy of the book on Friday along with the Drawsharp. I was able to revive an old drawknife and have been reading through the book. I have books from Dunbar and Rendi on Windsor chairmaking but this is the definitive work on the subject. Coupled with Curtis Buchanan's YouTube videos, there is a wealth of information.
