Thursday, February 12, 2015

Now I Sleep

For visitors to Chairnotes, it's been a tough year. The blog posts are few and far between and when they do come, they are full of empty promises and excuses. Well, I'm still full of both, but I am very pleased to announce that "The Chairmaker's Notebook" is finally available in digital form and preordering for the print edition (shipping March 20). This is the biggest project that I've undertaken and I will tell a little more of the story later. But for now, I want to thank Chris Schwarz, John Hoffman, Linda Watts and Megan Fitzpatrick for joining me as I slid down the rabbit hole. Anyone who knows me is familiar with my approach...
start something and then follow it regardless of rationality until it somehow screams uncle. And this book was no different. Honestly, there have been times that I've looked back at it with a bit of embarrasment as it's the perfect portrait of a man obsessed. But while I will apologize for the delays, I won't for my obsession. Chairmaking has been and will be my guiding light in woodworking and for me, has delivered all the promise of joy that I wanted from a life in woodworking. I hope you'll join Chris, John, Linda and Megan and jump down the rabbit hole with me. You can order the book at


  1. Thanks Pete - ordered the digital and the book. I'll do my best to not touch the digital cuz I like paper and books. But since I have an oak and a hickory coming down soon, I'll carefully look at the sections I need to refresh my mind with since the 2014 Highland Build.

    Of course I'll use my pdf as the work book when the time comes and carefully read the real book.

    thanks for your obsession


  2. I, too, prefer paper to digital, but I've got to get back on track in order to finish that second Windsor I started two years ago. Or was it three? I am into chapter two and really impressed with the quality of the writing and the wit. And, of course, the illustrations. To say that this book is a great value is really an understatement, even without the digital upgrade. Now, put your feet up, get some sleep and then start tapping those sugar maple trees. Great job, Pete.

  3. We expect nothing less than your brilliant best. Who cares how long it takes? In the end it's only important that you told your story completely.
    Congratulations to you and your teammates for seeing an extensive project through.

  4. The book is phenomenal. If Roubo were English, his chapter on Windsor would have read "wait 235 years."

  5. Congratulations, Peter Galbert! We've been waiting for this book for a long time. I hope this means that you're not going to obsess every time you devise another clever wrinkle in the process and kick yourself for not having put it in the book. But I know you are! Don't worry, we'll be anxiously awaiting the second edition!

  6. You're going to take a whole generation of chairmakers to "Candy Land". What a great place to be!

  7. Pete, this is a masterpiece.......simply perfect. I almost feel guilty reading with such ease these pages that took so much work to create. I said "almost". Wish I could be there to help celebrate. Congratulations my friend.

  8. I am looking forward to the book and subsequent inspiration and knowledge. I am not too likely to build a chair, but I need to find some excuse to buy one of your travishers. Played with them at WIA 2013 and we became instant friends.

  9. Congratulations! I'm looking forward to seeing it arrive in my mailbox! and seeing you on your return to PT.

  10. Pete,
    Congrats on completing this labor of love! I will patiently await the release of the print copy, and hope to make it back for another chair class one of these days.

    Mark Hudson

  11. Lost Art won't ship to Canada leaving us in the cold. Are there any other vendors selling this book that would be willing to ship to Canada?

    Herman Veenendaal

  12. Order submitted. Perfect timing, too. (I'm acquiring the last few tools I need to make chairs in my own space.) Thanks for the immense effort!

  13. Congrats Pete! Your efforts are appreciated! This is great.

  14. Congrats Pete! I placed my order as soon as I saw it was available in a post on another forum. After sitting in a few of your lectures in WIA 2013, I have no doubt the book will be phenomenal ... can't wait until March 20th!


  15. Herman, I think Lee Valley will carry the print edition.
    Pete, I'm sure you told me in 2011 to use more downward pressure on the reamer. Now I really know.
    An update already?
    Harry Miller

  16. Hey Pete,
    Never intended 6 yrs to pass without seeing you again, but that is how life plays out at times. I am glad to see you are using your amazing God given talents and that you are now able to visit my house in book form. Going to spend many nights by the woodstove studying your notebook and enjoying your artwork. Thanks for your work and passion to give it your best. Josh King

  17. Wish I could be there to share a beer with you mate and celebrate the release of an immediate bestseller. Cheers Pete. The Rundells
