Monday, April 14, 2014

It was just a matter of time

I have a chainsaw, I have logs, I have goats...

I've been plugging away on loads of chairs and chair related projects, so I guess it's only natural to seek some sort of unrelated hobby for my free time!


My chainsaw is way too heavy to do any fine work, but I used it for the big chunks, then I turned to my favorite hatchet and finished off with a gouge.

 Between drawing the illustrations for my book and doing this, I feel like I'm right back in art school

But here, the critics are more forgiving.


  1. I'll pretend I didn't see this...


  2. Jameel,
    I was going to try Michaelangelo's David, but I'm lousy at feet

  3. That's why he made David's feet so big. Easier to carve.

    Don't mind jameel. He hates anything that isn't a garden gnome or a dragon.

  4. Thanks Raney, I was planning a gnome riding a dragon for my next attempt!

    don't forget, I'm the guy that was thrilled to find an abandoned school bus on my property...

  5. Pete! Unbelievable!
    Do a few more and you'll be known locally as 'goat guy'.
    Hey, maybe you already are?!

  6. No need to worry Bern, the neighbors surely know me!

  7. Pete, looks like the vitamin D is working. I would have started with a chicken. Good work.

  8. Well, after convincing my wife to accompany me on a drive by to show her the cool goat (which I had admired before), she said, "that's not a goat, it's a dog!" And she was right. Somehow the goat changed into a dog, curiously like the shop dog I see in the background of your photos. Just how did you do that?!
