Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nice to Meet You

Since I moved to Sterling, Massachusetts, I've been swamped with projects and traveling and had little time to get to know my community or let them know me. That changed when I talked to Dave Gibbs at the Sterling Historical Society about combining our efforts and interests. The Society has a lovely collection of Windsors that were made here in town as well as a barn full of the old tools from its workshops. The first floor of the barn is relatively empty, and I thought it would be a great location to host some 6 person classes. So, next summer, I hope to schedule three classes there, but I'll post more on that once we work out the details.
To help introduce me to the community, the Sterling Historical Society hosted a demonstration at the local American Legion post and Ross Jones of Harvard Video Productions filmed it for us. Here is the video of the demonstration.
If it doesn't appear on your screen, click here to go to the original site.

As you can see, I am elated to be starting this project. I think 6 is a great number of students for a class. Plenty enough for a group energy and atmosphere but few enough for lots of personal attention.

And if I got you interested in my talk with Dudley Hershbach, here is a great interview with him that I found every bit as engaging as sitting next to him on the plane.

and once again, the link if you don't see the video here.


  1. What a great video. This serves as an excellent introduction whether you are interested in learning to make the chairs or not.

    One thing that interested me is that you said it takes you 4 days to make a chair. Did you mean that 4 days elapse or that you spend 32 hours per chair or both?

  2. Peter,

    I have always loved Windsor chairs, but haven't been able to make one just yet. After seeing this video and seeing the passion you have, I am convinced that making windsor chairs is something I need to explore. This video also showed me that you are great teacher. Thank you for sharing, and I hope to some day take course from you.


    Freddy Roman
    Maker & Restorer

  3. Fantastic video Peter. It's remarkable that you can cover so much territory and talk so easily through it. Your turning technique is awesome.

  4. It seems that the audio in your video goes out, or at least becomes nearly inaudible, around 4:15 into your presentation... It appears there is also an edit made at that point. Can you take a look? I would really love to be able to hear the rest.


  5. Thanks for all the comments, it was a fun time at the Legion Hall. There is an edit early in the tape because I knocked the microphone off my shirt, but other than that, the tape is pretty much complete. Please click the link if you have trouble to watch it on the original site,

  6. The audio seems to be fixed! Maybe it was just my connection at work... Great video! I've watched all of your youtube videos, but it's nice to see the whole chairmaking process together in this kind of lecture format. Thanks for sharing all your hard earned knowledge with the rest of us!

  7. Great presentation and very good pacing - all that in about one hour!

    It seems like you know a thing or two about your craft.

    Although, and however, you might want to take the rockers off that small bench ;)

  8. Great presentation and very good pacing - all that in about one hour!

    It seems like you know a thing or two about your craft.

    Although, and however, you might want to take the rockers off that small bench ;)

  9. Terrific presentation, thanks. Have you applied the "technology" to none traditional chair designs? Seems there would be some fun design possibilities.



  10. Pete,
    I have been working for the past few years on designs that aren't strictly in the traditional design camp. The technology is indeed capable of working with lots of different forms.You can see some of the pieces on my blog or website.
    thanks for the comments,

  11. Peter, I just saw your video on Vimeo and am floored with what a fantastic teacher you are. Its clear you love your craft and you convey it all so well. Thanks so much

  12. Thanks Dan, I appreciate your comments.

    four days is about the total time for traditional chairs but there is a lag generally to let the parts dry completely.

  13. oGreat demonstration! That is exciting you are going to teach and not have to travel.

  14. Hi Peter,

    I did take a look at your new work and was really struck by the Crested Rocker. I have always found rockers a bit of a contradiction. They are by definition a dynamic chair, crazy proposition.Yet they most often have a languid presentation, a come slide into me and relax be quiet invitation.

    To me your Crested Rocker is all about movement and speed. It is as dynamic as a dynamic chair should be.

    Thanks much for the Blog.



  15. Loved the video. Hope you still plan to put a book out!
