Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cool Links

Here are a couple of cool links that you might enjoy.
First, a video showing the results of tests concerning the effects of chipbreakers on planing. This is the kind of nerdy stuff that I love, not only is the information fascinating, but the visuals are hypnotic. If you are stuck in front of your computer, it will definitely give you a woodworking fix. Thanks to Pat Tipton for sending me this link!

Next, you might like to check out the blog that Caleb James is writing. He was a student of mine and during our time together, I was inspired by his talent and attitude. He is definitely one to watch.
His blog is http://kapeldesigns.blogspot.com

I have loads happening around here, especially getting prepared to teach next week at Marc Adams School in Indiana, I hope Greg remembers the Scotch this time.


  1. Oh, I see you made your grocery list for next week. I'll be thirsty too because I've been drooling over these 23 inch wide clear elm seat blanks I sawed today. Best I have ever seen. Curtis will be happy.

  2. Looking forward to you guys coming to the heartland! I'll bring you some Indiana goat cheese to add to your stash.

  3. Pete,

    I know I have said it to you personally but just want everyone to know that I, and I am sure others, appreciate your support of craftsmen that are taking up this profession. Thank you.

    And who knew you had such a readership? I think my blog crashed temporarily from all the traffic. :)

    Thanks, again!

  4. Greg, It's a short list, as usual

    John, we'll bring the crackers!

    It's my pleasure, you've earned the attention, keep it up,
