Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Turning Practice

I recently wrote guest blog entry and made a video for Highland Woodworkings blog and I wanted to make sure that I posted the link. You can click here to view the post and video.
I've finally figure out my new editing software and should have more videos coming soon!

And for all our old friends, here is the Chairnotes covergirl last week on our brief vacation to the Fingerlakes in upstate New York. We were visiting a local goat farm when we came across this pooch who happened to be the spitting image of our beloved Daisy dog. Someone once described heaven as seeing all the dogs you've ever loved running up to greet you. I think the look on her face says it all.


  1. Yes, that would indeed be heaven.

  2. I love that definition. I'm just glad to know that someone else has pictures of themselves posing with random Black Labs around the country because they look like a loved one that has moved on.

  3. Shannon,
    I feel lucky that there are so many labs out there that look like my old girl. I got Daisy when I was 22 years old and she lived with me during my nomadic twenties and beyond, she was the constant that made wherever I was feel like home. I love the dogs that I have now, but Daisy and I grew up together.
    Thanks for the comment,

  4. Welcome back Peter, missed you. I saw the kids on Youtube. They are looking quite healthy. I hope to have a photo journel of bending hoops from kiln dried white oak. the process has worked well on some children chairs I just finished for the grand kids.


  5. Greg,
    yep, the kids are thriving and the milk is flowing! Let me know when you get the photos of the kiln dried bending, I'd love to see them,
