Monday, June 28, 2010

Back in Business

The New Calipers are Here!!! I don't even want to go into describing the effort that went into creating these new calipers, suffice it to say, I'm happy that the development and production is over and I'm ready to ship the tools. I worked closely with all of my U.S. manufacturers on every detail from the edge quality of the molded parts to the clarity of the printed scales and I can honestly say that I'm very happy with the results. I also have an interchangeable Metric Scale available.

The calipers are available right now through my website and also through Soon they will be in many of the catalogs that land on your doorstep.

I'll be making a video later this week that shows off the new tool and gives tips for use. Thanks to everyone on the wait list for your patience.

Now, to get back in the shop and make some chairs!

And because I promised a reader, here I am in a moment of pure joy with my kids

Everyone in the pasture is doing beautifully, the kids are robust and Maggie is giving us 1/2 a gallon a day. The kids are now being weaned and seem to be happy munching on grain, grass and hay. We've expanded the paddocks by a couple of acres and the whole crew seems thrilled with the new space. I plan to enclose more in order to rotate the grazing and allow the pasture to regenerate. Putting my field into service and working to improve its quality has opened a new awareness for me of the solar power that this piece of land harnesses and my goats ability to transform it into usable protein and better forage.

When Maggie had her kids, we separated our wether Mike to protect the kids from his rough housing. He immediately took a downward turn. These are herd animals and separation leads to stress which leads to illness. Luckily, our friends loaned us one of their prized fellows to keep him company. But as time went on, he seemed less like a loaner and more like a part of the herd, so the other day I bought him. Here is Sue with her Joseph. He is incredibly gentle and affectionate. Some ladies love the diamonds, what can I say, my gal swoons for animals, score.


  1. Congratulations on getting your new caiper to market. I know what an ordeal it can be.

  2. Hi Pete , I have your mark 1 calipers and was just wondering was the interchangeable metric scale a simple stick on scale on top of the imperial one ?, It may come in handy as its all metric over here and I work with both . Cheers MiM .

  3. Peter, so good to have you posting again. Progress on both the calipers and kids was so good to read.
    While you were silent much of this past month I went back to read some older postings and discovered I had missed the Trees posting.
    The apple wood caught my eye as I just salvaged quite a lot of apple wood from a storied tree on the farm I was born and raised on over some 50-70 years ago depending on which event you measure from.
    Now what to do with the wood. Spoons,bowls,yes; but I wanted to do a chair from this special apple wood.
    Never having worked with the wood before I soon discovered this pursuit may outlive me.
    Answer; stools-the pattern you share in the woodturners magazine a couple of years ago is the design I settled on. The stools will allow me to make a bunch for all family members. I need to get at them so that I can finish and get a class scheduled with you in order to see this amazing farm and the livestock you write about.John

  4. Thanks for the encouragement, getting a tool manufactured is certainly take some effort!

    I am going to start offering the interchangeable Metric Scales for separate sale through the web site for $5 once I figure out whether that will cover the postage and production. The new scales will work with the first run of calipers as well. Keep checking in, I should have it up soon.

    Great use for that precious apple, we have a couple of those stools around they come in handy. Try to catch me sooner rather than later with the class idea, they're running a bit far out. While you're working that applewood, think about making a tool handle or two for yourself, it'd be lovely,

  5. Loved the update on the kids. They all look like they are such sweet animals. I thought that one was going to take a bite out of your hat. I'm with your wife, I'll take animals any day over diamonds. :-)

  6. I forgot to tell you I need a diamond collar for Joseph. ;)

  7. Thanks Tee, I thought you'd like that one.

    and Sue, don't sweat it, I already gave him your pearls!

  8. Tee, Kerry's wifeJuly 2, 2010 at 9:24 PM

    Peter, your last comment cracked me up.
