Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Best It's Ever Been

When Sue and I began building our house, we knew that it would be a constant work in progress. I've often envied folks with the means or insight to wait until a house was absolutely finished to move in (do they really exist?). As time has worn on and projects get completed, I've come to see working on the house as sort of a boost to my sense of optimism. I love the moment when I get to step back and say "This is the best that it's ever been!"

Here's some before and afters of the kitchen project (doors and drawers yet to come)

It's not finished by a longshot, but just think of all the opportunities to revel in a new appreciation that I have left!

The countertop glows with the curl in the cherry, maybe I'll even set a sweating glass on it someday.


  1. That is a great attitude. We started building our house in 1980 and it's still not "done," but I'm always grateful to have a house, in the first place,and to have lots of room for creativity. It only requires one thing, which is not money: patience.

  2. Tico,
    I recently read a satirical definition of patience: a minor despair disguised as a virtue! There have definitely been times when I look around and feel overwhelmed with the list of projects, especially when the house already needs to be repainted before it's even finished. But as you said, I feel lucky to have a home for me and my menagerie.

  3. Beautiful job, Pete! I'm sure Sue is excited.

  4. BEAUTIFUL! I like the cabinets without the doors. Love, love, love that aqua bread box. What happened to the blue cabinet?

  5. your kitchen is looking great! My husband follows your blog religiously.

  6. Nice ideas here...the kitchen looks very nice with the wooden table top and the nicely done chimney.

  7. Hi Pete , whats the finish on the counter top ? its looks great . MiM

  8. Very nice. *Very*.

    I had to laugh about your 'work in progress' perspective. 22 years ago when we moved into our 100 year old house we moved the downstairs bathroom. At the time I was wondering if my wife thought bathrooms were like furniture- Well, this week we're starting another project- to move that bathroom & rearrange the space to make a separate laundry room! So yes, she does think that way! (In case you haven't guessed, I'm just the facilitator in this.)

  9. Thanks for the comments, I ran off to Florida for a few days! The finish on the counter is spar varnish. I thinned it down in the first coats. I did four thin rubbed coats. The blue hutch is now upstairs in the master bath, where I now have a single shelf for my "products". I've come a long way baby!
    good luck with the bathroom, they always take more time and cash than they rightfully deserve...

  10. I too think we should all have the attitude when asked "how you doing" to say "my best day ever!" Simple blessings of good life. Thanks for the upbeat thoughts of life and craftsmanship.
