Friday, April 11, 2008

Scattered Focus

These days I am all over the place. Making a video one minute, and busting on some maple the next. I will be returning to the turning topic next week, it's taking a bit of thinking as to where to begin! Here are some photos of a chair that I just finished. It is another in the evolution of my curved stile rodbacks. As you can see, the arms are bit tamed from the last version and they are some changes to the geometry.

In future posts I will discuss my switch to the Real Milkpaint company's product. This is the first time that I've used it for the black on red finish, which is my most popular, and I couldn't be more please. It is lush, and beyond that, much easier to use. No need to filter or go through so many trials as with other brands (no they don't sponsor me!). After a little more experimenting, I will talk about my process.

I am trying something new with my video uploads. Instead of using the blogger directly, I uploaded this caliper video to first and then just slipped it into the code. It is a larger image. Let me know how it works for you. I am creating a series of videos on my website as tips and instructions for the caliper as well as posting the previous leg turning videos. If it is a better image, I will use this for all future videos, so let me know, thanks.


  1. The YouTube video works beautifully for me, I really appreciate the work that you put into making this information clear.

  2. Tricky work uploading to youtube first, but I think it worked well Pete. It is quite a bit bigger, and the image quality is comparable to the previous videos. Excellent touch with the video editing.
