Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Good Group

Last night was the second meeting of the Watergap Turners Club meeting at Peter's Valley Woodshop in Layton, NJ. There where 16 in attendance, which for a They meet the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm.
I got to show some slides of my chairs as well as a few actual pieces. I spoke a bit about spindle turning (a confusing term because the spindles in my chairs aren't even turned) and then demonstrate a baluster leg turning.
I don't know about you, but whenever I demonstrate turning, every catch and screw up that I've ever made comes to mind and threatens a surprise appearance! Luckily, they didn't haunt me last night. They have a whole line of beautiful new Oneway lathes in the PV shop, but of course I ended up demonstrating on the old worn out benchtop model with the wicked shimmy, just like at home!
For me it was a special night, getting to show a group of lathe enthusiasts my new tool. The response was great and I sold a number of them. As many folks who have encouraged me to develop the tool also warned me of the pitfalls of this sort of business. So I just focused on making a tool that I would want to use and be proud of. I'm thrilled to think of it being useful to others.
Thanks to Steve Butler for the hospitality and hard work organizing and hosting the meeting.

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