Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Better View

I decided to build a jig to hold my camera above the lathe to get a closer and clearer view of the action. I also played around until I found that the DIVX format was a much better choice for clear video. I think you'll agree that this is much better. I reshot my leg turning video from the other day and will now proceed to do a series of how I finish the leg off.

Let me know if the new video works well for you.

I am having some technical difficulties that are making my web work painfully slow, I'll be back soon to show the rest of the turning and then some detailed instructions on turning basics.


  1. I find this format of your videos to be much clearer. And I like the high, overhead view.

    I'm curious about the camera you're using.

    Looking forward to seeing more videos.

  2. I am using a Canon A630 digital camera. I am impressed with it. For a couple hundred bucks, it is more camera than I need. When I was in school for photography back in the midnineties, we scoffed at the digital cameras crudeness, now who's laughing!

  3. Bravo! Thank you for your attention to detail - the camera angle helps tremendously

  4. Is there a way to download your clips to my computer then ipod to be able to take them to the shop and try some of the technique? Not all of us have highspeed connections next to the lathe. Love the blog and the video is a great addition.

  5. Great Peter,

    The format is way clearer. Thanks! The overhead view is fantastic too, though the first minute I did not check, that the sample piece was lower than the work piece. My fault.

    Keep up with your good work and your attention to detail.

  6. Much clearer than the last set of videos. Nice, man! The blog is getting better all the time Pete. I appreciate it...

  7. I am not sure about the downloading process, but I may be persuaded in the future to compile my videos and burn some disks, but that's a thought for the future when I am not up to my ears in caliper business!

  8. Attn anonymous,

    To download the video, get the latest version of 'real player'. Its free. Place your mouse over the video and a label will pop up reading 'download this video'. It will be in 'flv' format so if you want to take it to your shop you'll need some kind of conversion software. Not sure of what formats an ipod plays.

