Wednesday, April 30, 2008

And then some more

Today was very eventful in the shop, to say the least. I got the bar "chair" assembled and did the major joinery on the rodback settee. It takes a lot of focus to pull these joints off, and looking back on the day, I can't believe that I chose to do them all. And I haven't had coffee in over a week!

Anyway, I think it is really taking shape, and I like it. Lately I have been working without drawings, which for me is relatively new. I think that steeping myself in the rodback as I have lately is paying off as the choices seem rather natural. My last hurdle before getting it together will be the curved undercarriage. Sure, I could have just used straight stretchers, but it would have been a shame not to echo the seat shape.

This image starts to hint at the volume of the piece. I look forward to seeing the spindles in there. Next I'll be shaping the arms, finishing the spindles and getting ready to knock it all together.

1 comment:

  1. Pete - looks great! I look forward to seeing it finished!

