Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tapping Time

Well, after resolving my computer glitch (it began with a cup of coffee and a high tech modem!) I found myself swamped with chairs, students and the joys of spring. Of course, for me, the joys start early because of maple syrup making season. While everyone else is having cabin fever and griping about mud season, I am in my element, emptying buckets and improving my boiling rig. Below is a photo of my rig going full blast at about 6 am the other day.

Few things make me happier than sitting outside watching the sunrise like this. And a mere 10 hours later, I had a lovely gallon of high quality maple syrup sitting glowing like the heart of the tree.

I know, the payoff sounds like a few dollars an hour for my labor, but money has nothing to do with it. The simple self sufficiency of making our sugar for the year, as well as for friends while getting a full share of fresh air makes it priceless.

Thanks to those who inquired about the status of the blog. Things have settled down a bit and I am looking forward to posting more often.


  1. Close up of the boiling setup please.
    Glad you're back.

  2. Pete,
    Glad you're back! Thanks for the tips.

    -Chris in Colorado

  3. Pete, glad to know you're okay and back blogging.

    Steve in Kansas
