Tuesday, August 7, 2007


If you've been wondering why my entries have become less frequent lately, I think this photo says it all. I guess blogging is a winter sport! Below is a picture of Doug Roper and his assembled sackback rocker. This is the first highback sackback to come out of my shop and I really enjoyed seeing it come together. Doug is probably finished up at Dave Sawyers by now and heading home to California.

Here is Russ Mclean finishing the spindles for his continuous arm last Friday. He is making what I call the "peacock chair". I like to leave the final fitting of the top spindle joints until the arm is positioned. That way, I can see exactly where the joint will be and shave the tenon at the correct location and to fit each hole. It is silly looking, with all the spindles shooting upward, but it is a good reminder that assembly is coming and a little extra care can ensure an easy glue up.

I have noticed some trouble getting the March entries to load their titles on the blog. Every time that I click on the arrow, I just get the "loading message". The posts from March can still be accessed by clicking on "March". Sorry for the inconvenience, I am no tech wiz but will work to figure out the problem.

I will be heading back down to Penland for the Annual Auction this weekend, with a couple of stops to visit friends.

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