Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Connection


Moving from our New York homestead was a trying and painful process, but in the end, I can honestly say that I am content in the knowledge that it was the right move, and a move up. The one lingering pang has been the loss of my longtime connection to my sawyer. He was always helpful and reasonable when it came to getting me my logs. Since the move, I've floundered a bit on this count and scraped by with what I could find locally... until now.
Thanks to my friend Bill Doe, I've found a local logger who has the good sense to set aside the best logs for furniture making and while he generally ships them to Canada, he's graciously agreed to sell some to me. The hickory log in the picture above is a lovely example of his work.
Here is Tim Manney splitting up billets for reamers. He got 165 blanks out of 1/2 of the log!
I know that many folks out there are suffering the same problems finding green wood and my sympathy is with you. There are folks who sell splits of different species, such as Elia Bizzarri and Nick Cicchinelli and perhaps this new connection will help a local friend to start up another venue for getting the right material to the right folks. I'll keep you posted.

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