Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Travishers in the works

Here is the propane powered fueled forge that I am using to heat treat the steel for the travishers. It took some figuring, but I finally settled on this method, using a pipe as a sort of double boiler, to keep the steel isolated from the gas and oxygen. Too much oxygen causes the steel to lose carbon on the surface as the oxygen bonds with carbon and steal it away, plus it can cause scaling. This process, suggested to me by a knife maker, only darkens the surface of the steel a bit, which buffs right off.
Once the pipe gets cherry hot, it only takes a minute or two to get the steel to temp and then it's ready to quench.

I'm very pleased with the results that I'm getting, ok, I'm being coy, I LOVE this thing. After tempering, the O-1 steel takes a razor edge very quickly.
I've enlisted my friend Claire Minihan to help me produce these tools (Andy is busy getting married!). She graduated from the North Bennet Street School and can build furniture that I could only dream of attempting. Here she is grinding the brass sole to shape.

And trimming the throat opening. Having such skilled folks working on my projects is a point of great pride for me.

We are making these tools one at a time, the way that I like to make everything. It keeps the focus on quality and makes a pleasant arc to the day. 
Here is a run ready to go out. If you have your name on the list and haven't heard from me, I should be contacting you soon. We have a solid process for making these and I am looking forward to catching up with all the orders.

Here is the first in a series of videos on the travisher. While I will be specifically addressing some of the attributes of my tools, I will also be talking about the travisher in general. Hopefully it will be of use to you regardless of whose tool you are using


  1. Peter, those tools look amazing. What is the difference between 0-1 and A1 steel? What caused you to pick 0-1?
    This is a question, I am just curious.

  2. Robert,
    I chose O-1 because it sharpens up more easily. Folks have enough trouble with the curved blade, why make it more difficult!
    A-1 has more chromium etc, which make the edge last longer, but being tougher to sharpen, you just have a lesser edge that last longer. It's somewhat personal preference, but I find O-1 to be plenty tough.

  3. Peter,

    Great technique to prevent de-carburization! It looks like the "inner tube" has been pinched shut at the back... true?


    Paul L

  4. Paul,
    I wish I had come up with it! Yep, the back is pinched shut, pretty easy when it's red hot and you have a 5lb sledge, thanks for the comment,
