Friday, June 15, 2012

Soup to Nuts

Before I show the next installment for the "Smarthead" shavehorse process, I want to mention that I will be teaching a two week intensive chairmaking class at the North Bennet Street school in Boston starting July 9th. This class does it all. The students will turn their own legs and split and shave their way to a Comb back rocking chair, one of my favorites. There are openings, so tell come on down and tell your friends, it promises to be a great time.

Here is the video on cutting the toothy parts of the arm. Hopefully you'll see that it's rather simple.


  1. John Griffin-WiesnerJune 16, 2012 at 11:25 AM

    Awesome. Thanks Peter.

  2. I can see now that I'm going to end up with a whole stable of shave horses.
    Quite the stud farm you're running there Pierre!
    Very nice work.

  3. We were at Highland Hardware today and one of your student's chair was over by the books. He was well taught.

  4. I suppose that could have been he/she was well taught.
